Tuffy Richmond Helps You Decipher the Menu Board: Part 2
July 31, 2022
Michigan service centers have a menu board that lists the services they provide. Some Richmond drivers may not be familiar with all of the items on the board so here is a quick description of some of the typical services that might be listed.Tuffy Richmond fuel system cleaning: Over time, the ve... More

Battery Replacement at Tuffy Richmond in Richmond
July 24, 2022
Hello, welcome to Tuffy Richmond. Today's focus is batteries. It seems like everything in Richmond runs on batteries. Of course, the batteries we're most concerned with here at Tuffy Richmond are those in our customer's vehicles. Just like the batteries in our smoke detectors or TV remote, they... More

Put on the Brakes: Brake Service at Tuffy Richmond
July 17, 2022
When it comes to preventive maintenance and vehicle care, most Richmond drivers know how important it is to check their brakes. But brakes are more than just brake pads and shoes. There are a lot of components in the brake system, and they all need to be in good working order.The pads and shoes ... More

The Need for Speed (Wheel Speed Sensor Maintenance)
July 10, 2022
Today's vehicles have some pretty amazing technology in them, including a computerized braking system we all pretty much take for granted these days. Antilock brake systems (ABS) have been around for years but they help drivers stop in much shorter distances reliably than ever before. When you ... More

Do you have a Clue (Get the Most Out of a Service Visit)
July 3, 2022
When you head to the doctor, you probably have it in your mind what you're going to say about why you don't feel good. That way your doctor can use that information to diagnose your problem. You might want to think of that same approach when you take your vehicle in for a repair. Experts say wha... More